T&T Marine have a mobile barge vibrocoring system consisting of: a pontoon barge with outboard motor. The original system uses core tubes up to 6m long. These may be lined with polycarbonate (Lexan) or PVC. A steel nose piece with core catcher is attached to the lower end of the core tube assembly. The vibrocore contains a check valve to help retain sediments during tube extraction.
The core depth configuration can be changed between: 6m, 3m and 1m cores
T&T Marine have a mobile barge vibrocoring system consisting of: a pontoon barge with outboard motor. The original system uses core tubes up to 6m long. These may be lined with polycarbonate (Lexan) or PVC. A steel nose piece with core catcher is attached to the lower end of the core tube assembly. The vibrocore contains a check valve to help retain sediments during tube extraction.
The core depth configuration can be changed between: 6m, 3m and 1m cores